Commands & Permissions

This page is frequently updated! Please check back to see the latest changes.

Last Update: 6/23/2024

Commands & Permissions

Below is a list of every single command and permission within FateUHC.

Announce Command

  • /announce - Announce the UHC game globally. Requires BungeeAddon. Permission: uhc.announce

Border Command

  • /border - Reduce border size manually. Permission: uhc.border

ClearLag Command

  • /clearlag - Clear all entities. Permission: uhc.clearlag

Data Commands

/data - Main command for manipulating data. Permission:

/data <player> set kills <number>
/data <player> set deaths <number>
/data <player> set points <number>
/data <player> set wins <number>
/data <player> set gamesPlayed <number>
/data <player> set killStreak <number>
/data <player> set highestKillStreak <number>
/data <player> set goldMined <number>
/data <player> set ironMined <number>
/data <player> set diamondsMined <number>
/data <player> set quartzMined <number>

/data update-leaderboards
/data dropAll

Give Command

/give - Give items to a specific player or to the whole server. Permission: uhc.give.command

This command will attempt to auto-fill items. It will also return a list of what items were valid and sent, and which could not be matched and sent.

Usage: /give <player:all> <item,item2,...> [amount] [enchantment:level,...]"));
Example: /give all diamond_sword,iron_pickaxe,diamond_helm 1 sharpness:5,unbreaking:3

Starter Inventory Command

  • /starterinventory - Edit starter inventory. Permission: uhc.starterinventory

UHC Command

/uhc - Shows help page. Permission: uhc.edit.commands

/uhc - Shows help page. Permission: uhc.edit.commands
/uhc start - Permission: uhc.start
/uhc setlobby - Permission: uhc.setlobby
/uhc reload - Permission: uhc.reload
/uhc locations - Permission: uhc.locations
/uhc checkrelogg - Permission: uhc.checkrelogg
/uhc gc,lag,performance - Permission: uhc.lag
/uhc stopLoading - Permission: uhc.stoploading
/uhc setpvp - Permission: uhc.setpvp
/uhc reboot <now:time> - Permission: uhc.reboot

FateUHC Command

/fateuhc - Shows plugin information. Permission: none

UHCHolograms Command

/uhcholograms - Placement/refresh of holograms. Permission: uhc.holograms.command

/uhcholograms refresh
/uhcholograms sethologram wins
/uhcholograms sethologram points
/uhcholograms sethologram kills
/uhcholograms sethologram deaths
/uhcholograms sethologram gamesplayed
/uhcholograms sethologram killstreak
/uhcholograms sethologram goldenapples
/uhcholograms sethologram goldenheads
/uhcholograms sethologram bowshots
/uhcholograms sethologram gold
/uhcholograms sethologram iron
/uhcholograms sethologram diamond
/uhcholograms sethologram redstone
/uhcholograms sethologram emeralds
/uhcholograms sethologram lapis
/uhcholograms sethologram quartz
/uhcholograms sethologram coal
/uhcholograms sethologram spawners

Whitelist Commands

  • /whitelist - Main command for whitelist. Permission: uhc.whitelist.command

/whitelist on
/whitelist off
/whitelist list
/whitelist all
/whitelist clear
/whitelist add <player>
/whitelist remove <player>

Inventory See Command

  • /invsee - See player's inventory. Permission: uhc.invsee.command

HelpOP Command

  • /helpop - Request help from staff members. Permission: None

/viewhelpop - Permission: uhc.helpop.see

Report Command

  • /report - Report system. Permission:

/seereport - Permission:

Host Command

This command will be recoded soon.

  • /sethost - Sets the host. Permission: uhc.sethost

  • /removehost - Removes the host. Permission: uhc.removehost

  • /selfremovehost - Removes host, can only be run by current host. Permission: uhc.selfremovehost

Spectator Chat Command

  • /spectatorchat - Toggle spectator chat. Permission: uhc.spectatorchat.command

Respawn Command

  • /respawn <player> [reason] - Respawns player. Permission: uhc.respawn.command

uhc.respawn.see - View notifications of respawn and the reasons.

Moles Command

  • /moles- Returns help message. Permission: None

/moles list - Lists all mole players. Permission: moles.access
/moles chat - Enables mole chat. Permission: None

Points Command

  • /points <give/remove> <player> <amount> - Gives and removes points. Permission: uhc.points.manage

Map Management Command

  • /mapmanagement - Manage the map. Permission: uhc.mapmanagement.command

BuildUHC Kit Command

This command will be recoded soon.

  • /builduhckit <set/default> - Sets the BuildUHC scenario kit. Permission: builduhc.edit

Scatter Command

  • /scatter <player> - Scatter player into the game. Permission: uhc.scatter

Re-Scatter Command

  • /rescatter <player> - Rescatters existing players. Permission: uhc.scatter

Spectator Command

  • /spectator - Put yourself into spectator mode. Permission: uhc.spectator.staff

Alerts Command

  • /alerts - Toggle alerts with GUI. Permission:

Permissions to use alerts:

Auto Start Command

  • /autostart - Set autostart countdown. Permission: uhc.autostart.command

HealAll Command

  • /healall - Heals all players. Permission: uhc.healall

Backpack Command

This command will only enable depending on scenario settings.

  • /backpack - Open up team backpack. Permission: None

Golden Head Command

  • /goldenhead <player> - Gives a player a golden head. Permission: uhc.goldenhead

/goldenheadall - Gives all players a golden head. Permission: uhc.goldenheadall

Config Command

  • /config - See current configurations. Permission: None

/config admin - Configure the game. Permission: uhc.edit.config
/config <configName> <true:false:value> - Configure the specific config setting. Permission: uhc.edit.config

Scenario Command

  • /scenarios - See current scenarios. Permission: None

/scenarios admin - Configure the scenarios. Permission: uhc.admin
/scenarios <ScenarioName> - Enables/Disables the scenario. Permission: uhc.admin

You can find a list of scenarios here.

Cosmetics Command

This command will be recoded soon.

  • /cosmetics - Open up cosmetics menu. Permission: None

Extra Inventory Command

This command will only enable depending on scenario settings.

  • /extrainv - Open up extra inventory. Permission: None

Health Command

  • /health - Check player's health. Permission: None

Kills Command

  • /kills - Check player's kills. Permission: None

Leaderboards Command

  • /leaderboards - See leaderboards. Permission: None

EXPs Command

  • /exps - Modify exps through a GUI. Permission: uhc.exps

Border Command

  • /border - Modify border. Permission: uhc.border.command

Teleport Command

  • /teleport - Teleportation. Permission: uhc.teleport.command

/tp <target>
/tp here <player>
/tp <player> <target>
/tp <X> <Y> <Z>
/tp <player> <X> <Y> <Z>
/tp all

Spectator Teleport Command

  • /specteleport - Spectator teleport. Permission:

Practice Command

  • /practice - Join practice arena. Permission: None

/practice on/off/edit - Permission: practice.edit

Stats Command

  • /stats - See player's statistics. Permission: None

Top Kills Command

  • /topkills - See top kills of the game. Permission: None

Vote Command

  • /vote - Vote for scenarios and configs. Permission:

Team Command

  • /team- Main command for parties/teams. Permission: None

/team gui
/team create
/team disband
/team solo
/team chat
/team invite <player>
/team accept
/team deny
/team leave
/team kick <player>
/team list [player]

/team enable - Permission: parties.edit
/team disable - Permission: parties.edit
/team size <amount> - Permission: parties.edit

Team Coordiate Command

  • /sendcoords - Send coords to your party members. Permission: None

Assign Command

  • /assign <player> <add/remove> <partyhostname> - Adds/removes players to and from a party. Permission: uhc.assign

Discord Announce Command

This requires webhooks to be setup in the discord.yml.

  • /discordannounce - Discord announcement GUI. Permission: uhc.discord.announce

Rules Command

  • /rules - Rules. Permission: None

Night Vision Command

  • /nightvision - Toggles night vision. Permission: uhc.nightvision.command

Despawn Logger Command

  • /despawnlogger <player> - Despawns combat logger. Permission: uhc.combatlogger.despawn

Episode Command

  • /episode <start/end> - Starts/ends an episode timer. Permission: uhc.episode.command

Clean Item Command

This command has limitations based on enabled scenarios.

  • /cleanitem - Removes enchants on an item. Permission: uhc.cleanitem.command

Speed Command

  • /speed- Set your fly or walk speed. Permission: uhc.speed.command

/speed flight <speed> [player]
/speed walk <speed> [player]
/speed flight default [player]
/speed walk default [player]

Gamemode Command

  • /gamemode- Change or toggle gamemode. Permission: uhc.gamemode.command

/gm <gamemode> (Creative (c), Survival (s), Spectator (sp))
/gm <player>
/gm <gamemode> <player>

UHC Debug Command

  • /uhcdebug- Toggle debug mode. Permission: uhc.debug.command

Craft Command

  • /craft- Opens a crafting table. Permission: uhc.craft.command

XP Sounds Command

  • /xpsounds- Toggle xp sounds. Permission: settings.sounds

Config Management Command

  • /configmanagement- Opens config management menu. Permission: uhc.edit.config

Scoreboard Command

  • /scoreboard- Toggle scoreboard. Permission: settings.scoreboard

UHC Debug Command

  • /uhcdebug- Toggle debug mode. Permission: uhc.debug.command

Build Command

  • /build- Toggle build mode in lobby. Permission:

Other Permissions

  • uhc.mod - Use mod items.

  • Border Spectator Permissions:

    • uhc.spectate.border.100

    • uhc.spectate.border.500

    • uhc.spectate.border.1000

    • uhc.spectate.border.1500

    • uhc.spectate.border.2000

    • uhc.spectate.border.2500

    • uhc.spectate.border.3000

    • uhc.spectate.border.unlimited

    • uhc.spectate.y.bypass - Be able to spectate under y-45.

  • View spectator chat - Permission:

  • Bypass chat mute during grace and rules - Permission:

  • Bypass deathkick - Permission: uhc.deathkick.bypass

  • Allows staff to move items in inventory, drop them, delete them - Permission: uhc.inv.bypass (DO NOT GIVE TO UNTRUSTWORTHY USERS)

  • Open and use /settings - Permission:

  • Toggle the sound section of the settings menu - Permission: settings.sounds

  • Toggle the scoreboard section of the settings menu - Permission: settings.scoreboard

  • Break blocks while in spectator and creative mode - Permission: game.block.break

  • Place blocks while in spectator and creative mode - Permission:

  • Edit the lobby while in creative mode - Permission: uhc.editlobby

  • Give all cosmetics - Permission: fateuhc.cosmetics.*

  • Allow breaking item frames and paintings - Permission: uhc.itemframe.remove

  • Receive update notifications - Permission: fateuhc.update

  • Allows players to join while chunks are loading - Permission: uhc.join.while.chunks.loading

Last updated