
PlaceholderAPI Placeholders List

PlaceholderAPI must be installed on the server. All messages within the language.yml file also support any placeholders from PlaceholderAPI.

  • %FateUHC_scenarios% - Returns a list of scenarios.

  • %FateUHC_host% - Returns the host name.

  • %FateUHC_autostart% - Returns the auto start time.

  • %FateUHC_gamestate% - Returns the current state of the game.

  • %FateUHC_winner% - Returns the winner/winners once a game has ended.

  • %FateUHC_type% - Displays the game type.

  • %FateUHC_gametime% - Displays the game time.

  • %FateUHC_finalheal% - Returns the final heal time.

  • %FateUHC_graceperiod% - Returns the grace period time.

  • %FateUHC_finalheal_current% - Returns the time remaining until final heal.

  • %FateUHC_graceperiod_current% - Returns the time remaining until grace period ends.

  • %FateUHC_nethertime% - Returns the nether time.

  • %FateUHC_applerate% - Returns the apple rate.

  • %FateUHC_latescatterperiod% - Returns the late scatter period.

  • %FateUHC_skyhightime% - Returns the sky high time.

  • %FateUHC_skyhighlimit% - Returns the sky high limit.

  • %FateUHC_shearsrate% - Returns the shears rate.

  • %FateUHC_bordershrinkuntil% - Returns the border shrink until value.

  • %FateUHC_bordershrinkinterval% - Returns the border shrink interval value.

  • %FateUHC_bordersize% - Returns the border size.

  • %FateUHC_firstshrink% - Returns the first shrink value.

  • %FateUHC_practice_status% - Returns whether practice is enabled or disabled.

  • %FateUHC_practiceplayers% - Returns the number of players in practice.

  • %FateUHC_exactflatsize% - Returns the exact flat size.

The following placeholders use the scenario list from the FateUHC website:

  • %FateUHC_scenario_SCENARIO% - Replace SCENARIO with the name from the scenario list.

The following placeholders use the config list from the FateUHC website:

  • %FateUHC_config_CONFIG% - Replace CONFIG with the name from the config list.

Leaderboard Placeholders:

  • %FateUHC_leaderboard_amount_pos_POS_LEADERBOARD% - Returns the number value for the specified leaderboard position.

  • %FateUHC_leaderboard_name_pos_POS_LEADERBOARD% - Returns the player name for the specified leaderboard position.

Leaderboard List:

  • kills

  • deaths

  • points

  • wins

  • gamesPlayed

  • killStreak

  • goldenApplesEaten

  • goldenHeadsEaten

  • bowShots

  • goldMined

  • ironMined

  • diamondsMined

  • redstoneMined

  • emeraldsMined

  • lapisMined

  • quartzMined

  • coalMined

  • spawnersMined

PlaceholderAPI Player Specific Placeholders: Replace "PlayerNameHere" with the player name you wish to get the result for.

  • %FateUHC_p_current_kills_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_kills_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_diamonds_mined_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_gold_mined_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_emeralds_mined_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_coal_mined_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_iron_mined_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_lapis_mined_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_quartz_mined_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_redstone_mined_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_spawners_mined_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_deaths_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_gamesplayed_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_bowshots_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_highestkillstreak_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_goldenapples_eaten_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_goldeanheads_eaten_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_wins_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_points_PlayerNameHere%

  • %FateUHC_p_practice_kills_PlayerNameHere%

PlaceholderAPI Self Placeholders:

  • %FateUHC_current_kills%

  • %FateUHC_kills%

  • %FateUHC_diamonds_mined%

  • %FateUHC_gold_mined%

  • %FateUHC_emeralds_mined%

  • %FateUHC_coal_mined%

  • %FateUHC_iron_mined%

  • %FateUHC_lapis_mined%

  • %FateUHC_quartz_mined%

  • %FateUHC_redstone_mined%

  • %FateUHC_spawners_mined%

  • %FateUHC_deaths%

  • %FateUHC_gamesplayed%

  • %FateUHC_bowshots%

  • %FateUHC_highestkillstreak%

  • %FateUHC_goldenapples_eaten%

  • %FateUHC_goldeanheads_eaten%

  • %FateUHC_wins%

  • %FateUHC_points%

  • %FateUHC_p_self_practice_kills%

  • %FateUHC_player_settings_sound%

  • %FateUHC_player_settings_scoreboard%

  • %FateUHC_p_team_id%

  • %FateUHC_p_team_color%

Config File Placeholders:

  • {gameType} - Returns the game type.

  • {scenarios} - Returns a list of active scenarios (when using on scoreboard, it must have its own line).

  • {nether} - Returns if the Nether is enabled/disabled.

  • {borderSize} - Returns the border size.

  • {autoStart} - Returns the current autostart time.

  • {winner} - Returns the winner of the UHC.

  • {winner-kills} - Returns the winner's kill amount.

Scoreboard Placeholders:

  • {gameTime} - Returns the game time.

  • {teams} - Returns the teams.

  • {online} - Returns the online players.

  • {max} - Returns the maximum players.

  • {timeLeft} - Returns the time left.

  • {scattering} - Returns the number of players still scattering.

  • {scattered} - Returns the number of players that are scattered.

  • {gameTime} - Returns the game time.

  • {alivePlayers} - Returns the number of alive players.

  • {startCount} - Returns the number of players required for the UHC to start in autostart mode.

  • {border} - Returns the border size.

  • {borderInfo} - Returns border info.

  • {kills} - Returns players' kills.

  • {teamKills} - Returns teams' kills.

  • {finalCountdown} - Returns the final countdown.

  • {molesAlive} - Returns the number of moles alive.

  • {pkills} - Returns players' total kills.

  • {arenaPlayers} - Returns the number of players in practice.

  • {wins} - Returns players' total wins.

  • {deaths} - Returns players' total deaths.

  • {played} - Returns players' total games played.

  • {host} - Returns the current host.

  • {date} - Returns the date.

  • {freeMemory} - Returns the server's memory state.

  • {chunksTotal} - Returns the total number of chunks.

  • {chunksLoaded} - Returns the current number of loaded chunks.

  • {completed} - Returns the percentage of chunk generation completion.

Last updated